Mother Tree

A Sacred Enclosure for Multidimensional Kinship
Connecting ~ Nurturing ~ Co-Creating

Mother Tree Sanctuary is the collective vision of residents in Orange County who want to make possible a different way of living --
A way of life enabling us to connect, care for, and co-create with each other, supporting each other's dreams so we can thrive together.
We are artists, business owners, teachers, naturalists, and gardeners who began meeting at The Water Brewery in Costa Mesa to talk about how we can create a village space--a sanctuary--that will support our families, our dreams, our community, and our vision of WHOLENESS and PEACE.
Look at our current events and projects to find out what we are doing now to actualize this dream. We welcome you to GROW WITH US!
MTS Fall Events
Join us in Vista Park, Costa Mesa to make nutritious, authentic, organic, amazing kimchee with our friends Jiji and Alexis. Bring kids to play on the playground while we chop, season, and prepare our fermented food. You can find out more about Jiji's homemade sourdough breads on Instagram @jijisbread, and Alexis's strength-building yoga classes at Bootea Flow Yoga @booteaflowyoga.
Reserve your spot using the Eventbrite link below. $33 covers cost of produce and glass jars, and contributes to MTS outreach projects!
Mother Tree Sanctuary is a registered California-based nonprofit organization.
As a spiritual, cultural, and wholistic wellness center,
we honor our Interconnectedness to Each Other and to Mother Earth.